On December 11 2021, we held the JCDA Online Career Counseling event, the second of such event following the one held last year.
This time, the number of counselee applicants for the event reached the quota of 400, which was approximately 1.5 times more than that of the last year.
By making use of the lessons learned from the last year’s event, we focused on enhancing the training methods for the CDAs who will be counselees in the event as well as making systematic improvements, which, we believe, enabled us to offer better services to the event participants this time. One of the new attempts we made for this time was to invite public participation of applicants wishing to receive online career counseling. As a result, we received applications from some 300 highly motivated CDAs who strongly hope to “expand the use of career counseling across society.” It is notable that, even though the invitation of participation was made only through words of mouth among CDAs without using any other promotional or advertising means, the number of applicants reached the upper limit. This fact, we believe, testifies to the latent power that CDAs can exert by enthusiastically pursuing shared goals. Another thing should be stressed is the fact that we received support from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for the event, which, we believe, is a testimony that Japanese government strongly supports our endeavors.